• Image of Green Man Moon Ritual Soap

This time I decided to make a really opulent ritual soap to be used before bed.

All made using my own extracted herbs & oils grown in organic soil with no fertiliser or chemicals added.

The only fertiliser used was organic comfrey mulch again grown at home & some horse manure.

It grows in excess but it is amazing when used as a mulch as well as itโ€™s medicinal properties also known as #boneknit

The ingredients include Hemp, Nettle, Plantain, Spanish Calendula Oil, blended with Lemongrass & Patchouli Essential oil

With plant botanicals of Feverfew & Lemonbalm ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒฟ

Finally I infused it with mugwort oil to aid lucid dreaming ๐Ÿ’ญ๐ŸŒฟ

The end result is just divine, it smells wonderful ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒฟ

Oil extractions were made using sweet almond Oil & Vitamin E

To be used on the whole body including hair & face so easy if you go for a wild swim or the gym ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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